I’ve just submitted the final essay for my last module on the PG Certificate in Teaching Creative Writing at Cambridge University’s Institute of Continuing Education.
I’d pined over this course for two years, and plucking up the courage to apply was one of the best decisions I’ve made. Over the three modules, I have learned so much about the history of Creative Writing and how to teach and assess it properly. We’ve had incredible, inspiring tutors and been lucky enough to have the opportunity to do it all in person.
The setting makes for a perfect place to immerse yourself in the subject. Madingley Hall is utterly beautiful, and we were well fed during each of our three residentials – the decks clear of life’s usual ‘stuff’ gave us the perfect opportunity to bond as a group and soak up every minute of this amazing course.

I’m hugely grateful to our tutors, Dr Lucy Durneen and Patricia Debney, for their wisdom and support in what has been a rather incredible journey. I finish this course feeling invigorated and excited about bringing all I’ve learned to the real-world teaching environment. What’s even better – the friends I have made along the way. We have created a rather special community and already have plenty of collaborative projects planned for the future.
If you’d like to find out more about this course and others available through ICE, visit Institute of Continuing Education (ICE) | (cam.ac.uk).