
My New fridge

is taller than my head
wider than my wingspan
bigger inside than out.
You could keep a corpse inside
(once you’d cut it in half
and frozen the legs.)
My new fridge/freezer
was a rocket in its former life.
Smooth, sleek, white
various logos emblazoned
on its aerodynamic sheen.
Brace yourself and wear weighted boots
before you click open the door –
in tinted visor and factor 50, be prepared
for arctic blast and halogen glare
to bleach your earthly senses.
With gloved hand
enjoy the smooth, seductive glide
of durable plastic, translucent shelves
laboratory clean
no carrot top fronds
or congealed yoghurt crumble –
everything is
exactly where it should be.
If I move the wine rack up
and hold my breath
I can just about fit in
and close the door.                                                                                        

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